Water and Wastewater

  • Sewage Treatment

  • Effluent Treatment

  • Vehicle Wash /Oily Water Treatment

  • Grey Water Treatment

  • Laundry Wash Water Treatment

Sewage Treatment

Sewage Treatment plants are ubiquitous these days to treat sewage from hotels, parks resorts and cities converting it to treated water for landscape irrigation and return water to nature in a continuous way. For water scarce countries like in the Middle East potable water is usually desalinated which is an expensive resource. To manage water and plan its usage and treatment optimally is the prime concern of businesses.

Sewage Treatment

Vehicle Wash / Oily Water Treatment

Vehicle wash water for the purpose of treatment is generally classified as light or heavy. However, the type of contaminants usually is the same

Laundry Wash

Laundry Wash Water Treatment

The high usage of water in laundry leaves the laundry owners with task of handling the wastewater while incurring the accompanying high costs of disposal.

Grey Water Treatment

Grey Water

The water from the wash basins and showers in a building are collectively termed as Grey Water. It can sometimes be combined with used water
