Sewage Treatment

Sewage Treatment

Sewage Treatment plants are ubiquitous these days to treat sewage from hotels, parks resorts and cities converting it to treated water for landscape irrigation and return water to nature in a continuous way. For water scarce countries like in the Middle East potable water is usually desalinated which is an expensive resource. To manage water and plan its usage and treatment optimally is the prime concern of businesses.

Sewage can be treated biologically within bioreactors either with suspended or fixed biomass. Increasingly sewage treatment plants are recycling water for cooling purposes in factories and employing advanced tertiary systems for polishing the treated sewage water to make it safe for reuse.

Sewage Treatment
Sewage Treatment 2

Effluent Treatment

The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Technology (MBBR) has been proven over the last decade as the most versatile and controllable process which can treat wastewaters of varying characteristics and high pollution loads.

Its modular nature helps to choose with precision the identified parameters removal rate to be employed depending on either the reuse or the disposal criterion.

The built to actual requirements’ MBBR approach at Circeon supports and perfects ‘The Ultimate Custom Built MBBR’. Water as a resource has multiple uses whether at the municipal or Industrial level and due to its polar nature dissolves all impurities with ease. Reversing the process to renew water biologically with the help of biomass sitting on carriers has remarkable facets. The surface area available within specially designed media has unique attachment properties for growth and retention of biomass. This allows the reactor to be loaded with just the right amount of active biomass by varying the filling rate.

The MBBR has evolved over a period of many years with different municipal and industrial applications. At Circeon, we aim to develop and learn from latest application requirements and customer journeys. The SDG goals for clean water & sanitation and BEST environmental practices will together help propagate its application in various geographies to create many happy success stories for both customers and water purification.
