Solar Thermal Solutions

Solar Thermal as Alternative Energy

As industrialization has grown so has the use of fossil fuels consumption in factories. In those parts of the world which have an abundance of solar energy its usage can bring in classical savings. These are immediately available by transitioning to a planned hybrid energy usage. The solar thermal technology has kept pace to supply cheaper energy to consumers bringing in the efficiencies that such a framework would entail.

With numerous success stories and a healthy appetite to grow this segment both on the part of technology providers and consumers, Circeon aims to position itself as facilitator for the adoption and transition to solar thermal usage partly or wholly as alternative energy.

There can be many more applications of the technology serving as a powering resource for many solutions that need to be driven forward sustainably

Direct Solar Desalination

Purification of water cannot get any easier than ‘Direct Solar Desalination’ with specially designed vertical panels that harness solar thermal energy. The trapped energy directly evaporates water followed by an innovate condensation process. The hidden unique dynamics make the process seem effortless as the raw water cascades down the panels and water of drinking water quality conveniently starts to fall out from the bottom compartment tap. It’s a controllable process that can be designed to purify water to a desired level of salts depending upon the inlet.

The solar farms are modular in nature and can supply a single home or multiple units. With aquaponics and hydroponic farming water consumption has been made optimal with recirculation. The preference for such type of farming method is to remain self-sufficient often due to remote location and non-availability of electrical power.

The direct solar desalination solar farms help ensure a consistent and clean water supply that is very crucial to such a controlled form of boutique agricultural system.
