Solid Waste Treatment

Solid Waste Treatment

Every wastewater treatment plant produces solid waste which needs to be suitably disposed. The situation is further complicated with this solid waste being in liquid form which needs to be dewatered mainly because of municipal requirement and at other times to reduce cost of disposal due to its high-water content.

The best way to salvage sludge is to proceed further and try to utilize the precious nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus present in it. The available treatment choices would depend upon the amount and type of sludge. The challenge is to select the most appropriate solution which has a long-term benefit for the environment while maintaining viability.

A lasting solution for sludge reuse or disposal is best defined during the design of the wastewater treatment plant depending upon whether it is municipal or industrial, its unique location and the associative economics of treatment or disposal.

At Circeon, we can think ahead for the future and help customers select the best sludge handling system.

Solid Waste Treatment Image